Anique Jordan is an artist, writer and curator who looks to answer the question of possibility in everything she creates. As an artist, Jordan works in photography, sculpture and performance often employing the theory of hauntology to challenge historical or dominant narratives and creating, what she calls, impossible images. Recently, she has been thinking about time, the surreal, and the rejection of the singular and linear ways of thinking or being in the world. Jordan has lectured on her artistic and community engaged curatorial practice as a 2017 Canada Seminar speaker at Harvard University and in numerous institutions across the Americas. In 2017 she co-curated the exhibition Every. Now. Then: Reframing Nationhood at the Art Gallery of Ontario. As an artist, she has exhibited in galleries such as Art Gallery of Ontario, Art Gallery of York University (AGYU), Art Gallery of Guelph, Doris McCarthy Gallery, Art Gallery of Windsor, Gallery 44, and Y+ Contemporary. She has received numerous awards, grants, and fellowships and in 2017 was awarded the Toronto Arts Foundation Emerging Artist of the Year award. Jordan recently received her MFA in Photography at Rhode Island School of Design.
Anique Jordan est une artiste, écrivaine et commissaire qui cherche à répondre à la question de la possibilité dans tout ce qu’elle crée. Jordan pratique la photographie, la sculpture et la performance en utilisant souvent la théorie de l’hantologie pour défier les récits historiques ou dominants et créer, ce qu’elle appelle, des images impossibles. Depuis peu, elle réfléchit au temps, au surréel et au rejet des manières singulières et linéaires de penser ou de vivre. Elle a donné des conférences sur sa pratique d’artiste et de commissaire communautairement engagée lors du Séminaire canadien 2017 tenu à l’Université Harvard ainsi que dans de nombreuses institutions partout dans les Amériques. En 2017, elle a été co-commissaire de l’exposition Every. Now. Then: Reframing Nationhood à l’Art Gallery of Ontario. Elle a exposé dans diverses galeries, dont à l’Art Gallery of York University (AGYU), l’Art Gallery of Guelph, la Doris McCarthy Gallery, l’Art Gallery of Windsor, la Gallery 44 et la Y+ Contemporary. Elle a reçu plusieurs prix, subventions et bourses et, en 2017, elle a reçu le prix de l’artiste émergente de l’année de la Toronto Arts Foundation. Jordan a récemment obtenu sa maîtrise en photographie à la Rhode Island School of Design.
Underbelly | Toronto | 2024 | Anique Jordan
RE/FLEX | Toronto | 2022 | ....Group Exhibition..Exposition collective....
Nowing | Toronto | 2021 | Anique Jordan
Adapt and Pivot | Toronto | 2020 | ....Group Exhibition..Exposition collective....
C Mag, Underbelly, Dec 15 2024
The Times. Women Photograph: changing the faces behind the camera. July 2023
Vanity Fair. Introducing the Inaugural Silver List, Featuring 47 Exciting Contemporary Photographers Whose Work You Just Have to See. Katey Rich. Feb 11, 2021
Momus, “Where Does Art Get To Live?”: A Conversation Between Anique Jordan and Michèle Pearson Clarke, May 30 2019