Maria Hupfield
Maria Hupfield (she/her) is a Toronto based artist and transdisciplinary maker working with Industrial felt at the intersection of performance art, design and sculpture. She is currently the inaugural ArtworxTO Legacy Artist in Residency with the City of Toronto, Ravines, and a Mellon Fellow, Center for the Imagination in the Borderlands, Arizona State University, USA, 2022; which follows her inaugural Borderlands Fellowship for the project Breaking Protocol at The Vera List Center for Art and Politics at the New School and the Center for the Imagination in the Borderlands at Arizona State University (2020-2022). A recipient of the Hnatyshyn Mid-career Award for Outstanding Achievement in Canada (2018) she has exhibited and performed her work through her first major touring solo exhibition The One Who Keeps On Giving (organized by The Power Plant 2017-2018), and solo Nine Years Towards the Sun, at the Heard Museum, Phoenix, 2019-2020. She has exhibited extensively including recent projects at: Art Gallery of Ontario, National Gallery of Canada in Ottawa; and in New York at CARA (Center for Art Research and Alliance), Abrons Art Center, the New York Museum of Art and Design, BRIC House Gallery, the Bronx Museum, Boston Museum of Fine Arts, and the Smithsonian Institution National Museum of the American Indian; amongst others. An Assistant Professor and Canadian Research Chair, Transdisciplinary Indigenous Arts at the University of Toronto, Hupfield is Martin clan and off-rez member of the Anishinaabe Nation belonging to Wasauksing First Nation, Ontario, Canada. Maria Hupfield is co-owner of Native Art Department International with her husband artist Jason Lujan and founder of 7th Generation Image Makers, Native Child and Family Services of Toronto. ..Maria Hupfield (elle/elle) est une artiste et créatrice torontoise transdisciplinaire qui travaille avec le feutre industriel, à l’intersection de la performance, du design et de la sculpture. Elle est la première artiste en résidence du programme ArtworxTO Legacy de la Ville de Toronto (division « Ravines »). Elle a reçu la bourse Bordelands pour son projet Breaking Protocol présenté au Vera List Center for Art and Politics de la New School du Center for the Imagination in the Bordelands de l’Arizona State University (2020-2022), duquel elle est aussi boursière Mellon (2022). Elle est lauréate du prix de la Fondation Hnatyshyn pour les arts visuels remis à un artiste du Canada à mi-carrière en reconnaissance de son excellence (2018). Elle a exposé son travail et performé dans le cadre de sa première exposition solo majeure itinérante, The One Who Keeps Giving/Celle qui continue de donner (organisée par The Power Plant, à Toronto) de 2017 à 2018, et de son exposition solo Nine Years Towards the Sun au Heard Museum, à Phoenix, entre 2019 et 2020. Son travail, y compris ses projets plus récents, a été largement présenté, notamment à l’Art Gallery of Ontario, au Musée des beaux-arts du Canada (Ottawa), au CARA (Center for Art Research and Alliance) (New-York), au Abrons Art Center, au New York Museum of Art and Design, à la BRIC House Gallery, au Bronx Museum, au Boston Museum of Fine Arts et au Smithsonian Institution National Museum of the American Indian. Professeure adjointe et titulaire d’une chaire de recherche canadienne en arts autochtones transdisciplinaires à l’Université de Toronto, Hupfield est membre hors réserve du clan Martin du peuple Anishinaabe de la Première Nation Wasauksing en Ontario, au Canada. Avec son mari, l’artiste Jason Lujan, elle a cofondé le duo Native Art Department International. Hupfield est aussi fondatrice du programme 7th Generation Image Makers du Native Child and Family Services of Toronto.
Mashkiki is Movement | Toronto | 2024 Maria Hupfield
Protocol Break | Toronto | 2022 | Maria Hupfield
Storywork (rework) | Toronto | 2021 | Maria Hupfield
Frieze, “Maria Hupfield’s Vessels of Communion”, February 28, 2025.
Momus, “Maria Hupfield Returns to the Beginning”, February 13, 2018.
Toronto Star, "Something lost, something gained at the Power Plant" Feb 20,2017.